Student Attendance
Students learn more and benefit more from instructional time when they are in school regularly. Please make every effort to send your child to school on time everyday and to only miss school when necessary.
In the event that your child does need to miss school, arrive late or leave early, please review the following information.
1. Please call the office at 818-729-3100 in the morning of every day your child is absent. You may also email absence notes to
2. If you forget to call in an absence, your child will need to have a note when they return. According to State guidelines, the note must include student’s name, parent/guardian’s name and relationship to student, date of absence, and the reason for absence.
3. Parents have 3 days to report an absence, either by phone call, email or written note. If the parent fails to do so, the absence will be recorded as unexcused.
4. Excused absences include student’s illness, doctor/dentist appointment, funeral, court appearance, religious holiday or child’s employment. Please note: after 14 illness absences, all additional absences must be verified by a doctor’s note, or they will be considered unexcused.
5. Vacations, family business and personal reasons are unexcused absences.
6. Make up work is available for all excused absences. Unexcused absences are at the teacher’s discretion.
1. After 8:30, all students must enter through the front office and be signed in.
2. Excused tardies include doctor/dental appointments, court appearance, funeral, attendance at a religious service.
Leaving Early
1. When a student needs to leave prior to the end of the school day parents must come into the office and sign the student out. If an adult other than the parent is picking up the child, the parent must call the office or send a note with the student that includes the name of the adult picking up. Contacts on the student's Emergency Card do not have authority to pick up students early unless the parent has called the office or sent a note to school. Please be prepared to show your photo id to office staff. Students will be called from class once the parent or adult arrives to the office.
For additional information please refer to the “Annual Notification to Parents/Guardians 2024-2025”.