English Language Advisory Committee (ELAC)

Providencia’s ELAC Committee

Our school’s ELAC (English Learners Advisory Committee) is an organization that meets once a month, in order to provide the parents of our English Language Learners (ELLs) with accurate and current information about how we meet the needs of all of these students in the context of our daily academic programs. The school’s ELD (English Language Development) Specialist has the responsibility of keeping ELD parents informed about the identification, assessment and progress of our English Language Learners. Our ELAC meetings offer parents of English Language Learners the opportunity to discuss aspects of the program as well as share their own thoughts about the learning experience at our school. The school Principal typically reports to the committee about current events, activities and academic programs at the school.  Parent trainings are also offered during these meetings. Younger children are welcome. Spanish translation is provided.

The following individuals serve on our school’s ELAC Committee:

Jennifer Niwa, ELD Specialist: jenniferniwa@burbankusd.org

The information we provide parents is steered by parent requests and needs. Meeting topics may include assistance in using district websites, distance learning, parent conference tips, middle school information from a middle school counselor, a presentation from the Burbank Adult School director, a presentation from a Burbank Public Librarian, and many more!

We look forward to seeing you at one of our ELAC meetings!



  • Advise the principal and school staff on programs and services for English Language Learners
  • Advise the School Site Council on the development of the Single School Plan for Student Achievement

Why Participate in ELAC?

  • To receive information about programs
  • To become aware of student academic progress
  • To get involved in your child’s education         

ELAC members:

  • Influence the education of their children in a positive way
  • All research shows that when parents are involved in a positive way, students experience success.

 ELAC shall include the following officers:

  • Chairperson: to organize, convene, and lead meetings of the council; attends DELAC and SSC meetings
  • Vice-Chairperson: to serve in the absence of the chairperson
  • Secretary: to record events and actions taken at council meetings

Providencia ELAC Dates:

Monday, September 16 at 8:30

Presentation Slides from the September 16th Meeting

September 16 ELAC Minutes

Monday, October 21 @ 8:30

Presentation slides from the October 21st Meeting

October 21 ELAC Minutes

Monday, November 18 @ 8:30

Presentation slides from the November 18th Meeting

November 18 ELAC Minutes

Digital Resources for Home

Monday, January 27 @ 8:30

Monday, March 3 @ 8:30

Monday, April 14 @ 8:30